The Clarksburg-Harrison Public Library offers mobile Wi-Fi hotspots for adults and teens to check out. Patrons must be library cardholders in good standing and sign an agreement form prior to check out.
Adult Hotspot
Whether traveling or at home, library patrons are able to enjoy mobile hotspots through the library! Patron can call (304) 627-2236 x 2 to reserve and pick-up a mobile hotspot or visit the catalog page to place a hold. Prior to checkout, patrons must sign an agreement form agreeing to the terms and conditions.
Teen Hotspot
Teens ages 11 - 18 can now enjoy wireless internet anytime, anywhere for free with their library card. Teens and parents can either call (304) 627-2236 x 4 to reserve and pick-up a mobile hotspot or visit the catalog page to place a hold. Prior to checkout, patrons must sign an agreement form agreeing to the terms and conditions.