Teen Mobile Hotspots from Clarksburg-Harrison Public Library are now available! Teens ages 11 - 18 can now enjoy wireless internet anytime, anywhere for free with their library card. Teens and parents can either call (304) 627-2236 x 4 to reserve and pick-up a mobile hotspot or visit the catalog page to place a hold. Prior to checkout, patrons must sign an agreement form agreeing to the terms and conditions.
Check-Out Policy
- Hotspots may be checked out for one month.
- Hotspots can be renewed.
- Late fees for hotspots are $2.00 per day.
- If a hotspot is damaged by being put in the Book Drop, patron will be charged a replacement fee.
- If any part of the hotspot kit is lost or damaged, patron will be billed for the cost of the lost or damaged item.
- Hotspots more than five days overdue will be shut off and will no longer connect; reactivation charges will be billed to the patron.
- If a hotspot is returned after being overdue 10 days or more, patron will be responsible for a fine of $20 and hotspot checkout privileges will be blocked for three months.
- If a patron fails to return a hotspot, they will be billed for the total replacement cost and checkout privileges for hotspots will be permanently blocked. If unable to pay, other arrangements can be made with the Tween/Teen Coordinator (ex. volunteering at library to work it off).
Replacement Fees
Case & Tag | $15.00 |
Charger | $10.00 |
Instruction Card | $5.00 |
Hotspot Device | $70.00 |
Total Replacement Cost | $100.00 |