Signing up for a library card is easy and free!
Start by completing the online registration form. Information requested on the form includes name, mailing address, email address, birthdate and telephone number.
You will be asked to select a home location - select Clarksburg-Harrison
If you have any difficulty completing the online form, call the library at 304-627-2236.
What happens next?
After you submit the form, you will receive a temporary card number starting with the letters OBR. You can use this right away to access the library's eBooks, audiobooks and streaming media available through WVDELI by entering this code when prompted for your library card number. For access to other online resources, you will need a library card number assigned by the library. When the library receives your online registration information, staff will issue a new card number starting with 6092. This new number will be sent to the email address listed on the registration form. You should receive an email with your new number within a few days. You will be able to use the new number to access any of the library's online resources.
Please wait until you receive your card number from the library to place holds, add wish list items, etc. since you will not be able to retain this history when you switch to your 6092 card number.
The card number you receive via email is a card that provides access to the library's online services. If you'd like to use the library's other services, visit the library and bring your temporary card number starting with 6092 and an ID with your current address. Library staff will issue a card with full borrowing privileges.
Cards expire after one year and can be renewed by calling the library. Please be sure to provide the library with any updates to your contact information at that time.

Your Library Card:
• is your access to the library's wide variety of online resources - get eBooks, audiobooks, magazines, music and more!
• is used to check out materials and access your library account
• can be used from home to place holds and renew items
• will expire after one year but can be easily renewed by contacting the library
• can be used to borrow or request materials from the Bridgeport Public Library and Marion County Public Library System
• can be used to log onto computers in the library and access the library's print kiosk to print from a computer or print wirelessly
• makes self-checkout quick and easy
Frequently Asked Questions
- How will I know when to return my items?
You will be given a receipt at the time of checkout, and you can also call or check the status of your items online. - How can I renew my items?
The library's checkout system automatically renews your items if no one else has requested them. All items may be renewed two times, unless a hold has been placed on the item by another customer. You can log into your account here to renew materials or call the library at 304-627-2236 if you have questions about when items are due or if items can be renewed. - Does my library card expire?
All cards expire after one year. You can update your card by visiting or calling the library. Internet cards can always be renewed over the phone. As long as you remain in the library's service area, you will be able to access our online resources with your internet card. - Can other people use my library card?
This card is only for your use. Everyone is eligible for a library card so please encourage friends and family members to get a card. - Can I use my library card in more than one library?
Yes, your card can be used to borrow materials at the Bridgeport Public Library and at all locations in the Marion County Public Library System. - Can I store my library barcode on my smart phone?
Yes, start by installing a loyalty card app on your phone and follow instructions to add your library card. When you are at the library and ready to check out, open the app, bring up your card, and scan the image just like you would scan your card. If you need help with finding and installing a loyalty card app on your device, library staff can help.